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If your staff likes roller coasters, you might consider an article on Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. KSKY is a small airport near the 17 coaster park (plus many other amusement park rides). KSky offers a shuttle to the park property for a small fee, where you can stay at their historic hotel and enjoy the fun of waking up, walking outside and directly into the park. Guests staying in park properties also enjoy entering the park an hour early. Some rooms can be quite pricey, but others are reasonable. They also have offsite hotels that are cheaper and still offer the early admission, but require a short drive and park. We have flown in twice in recent years, once to KSKY and another time in nearby Port Clinton. Other times we had to drive due to weather between home and Ohio. Overall, a great trip to a great amusement park. I think it deserves a pointer on your "getaways" map, for those who are 'coaster fans. Getaways don't have to be quiet and rustic, you know.
Love the information and the site. Keep up the good work!
Tom Brown
Trenton, Georgia
KSKY Airport is closed as of October 2014. The VOR with the same designation (SKY) is also decommissioned. Must use Port Clinton Airport (KPCW) now.
Thanks Brad and Pilot Getaways, my favorite aviation magazine. I've been a subscriber from day one and each winter I go thru past issues to plan the year's trips. You've made it incredibly easy by grouping all the possible destinations. Thanks for adding another great value to Plot Getaways.
dear Brad you forgot N Dakota and Anchorage for us sea ferring jokesters but thanks for the maps that looked like it took work....................Allen S. USN