You are hereUsing the Pilot Getaways iPad App
Using the Pilot Getaways iPad App
Access your full digital library through the Pilot Getaways iPad app!
The app is a free download available through iTunes and comes with the current preview edition. Through the Pilot Getaways iPad app, you can log-in to your account to access your issues in a dedicated iPad application.
The iPad app maintains unique functionality, such as the ability to download issues locally to your device for availability offline, without needing a live internet connection, as well as incorporating multi-media features, a user-centered interface and navigation, and more.
To log-in to your account:
1) | Purchase a digital subscription at |
2) | Download and install the Pilot Getaways app from iTunes. |
3) | Open the Pilot Getaways app on your iPad. It will open to the "Titles" tab by default.
(You can switch between the two titles to view the Free Preview, or your library of purchased subscription issues.) |
4) | Tap the |
5) | Login to your digital account at the bottom of the pop-up window using the account created in Step 1:
Once logged in, you'll have new options to logout or refresh your subscription. Your account will remain logged-in until you actively logout.
Note: This window is Apple's subscription window. It allows you to purchase an auto-renewing iPad subscription-only (for 6-mo. or 1-yr.). "Restore Purchases" allows you to restore any purchases made through iTunes on this version of the app. The larger red-and-white "Subscriptions" button allows you to purchase and manage a full 1-, 2-, or 3-year digital subscription, or digital/print combo package (which may be accessed through the iPad app by logging in as described in this step). |
6) | Close the pop-up window and enjoy your digital subscription through your iPad! |