================================================== README FILE FOR DESERT TRAINING CENTER SKY TRAIL.TXT ================================================== The file dtctour.txt contains 19 recommended waypoints to follow the Desert Training Center Sky Trail described in Pilot Getaways magazine. For a full description and map of the tour, see page 42 of the Winter 2001/2002 issue. The file is in ASCII, tab-delimited format. The first line contains the field names, defined as follows: ID: Four or five-character waypoint ID. Note that all user waypoints start with "2" so that they appear together on an alphabetical listing of waypoints. Name: Name of the waypoint. LatD: Whole degrees of latitude of the waypoint. LatM: Minutes and tenths-of-minutes of latitude of the waypoint (e.g. "42.3"). N/S: Always "N" to signify north latitude (required by some GPS programs). LonD: Whole degrees of longitude of the waypoint. LonM: Minutes and tenths of minutes of longitude of the waypoint (e.g. "25.3"). E/W: Always "W" to signify west longitude (required by some GPS programs). ================================================== Pilot Getaways Magazine PO Box 550 Glendale, CA 91209-0550 www.pilotgetaways.com ==================================================