================================================== README FILE FOR ANZA-BORREGO DESERT STATE PARK SKY TRAIL ================================================== The file abskytrail.txt contains the 15 recommended waypoints to follow the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Sky Trail described in Pilot Getaways magazine. For a description and map of the tour, see the sidebar on page 39 of the September/October 2006 issue. The Sky Trail was developed to give pilots and their passengers a chance to enjoy the natural and historic features of the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, some of which can only be seen from the air. The guide books were written by former state park pilot Jon Meunch and are available at the State Park Visitor Center store for $4, (760) 767-4961. The file is in ASCII, tab-delimited format. The first line contains the field names, defined as follows: ID: Six-character waypoint ID. LatD: Whole degrees of latitude of the waypoint. LatM: Minutes of latitude of the waypoint (e.g. "42.37"). N/S: Always "N" to signify north latitude (required by some GPS programs). LonD: Whole degrees of longitude of the waypoint. LonM: Minutes of longitude of the waypoint (e.g. "25.34"). E/W: Always "W" to signify west longitude (required by some GPS programs). ================================================== Pilot Getaways Magazine PO Box 550 Glendale, CA 91209-0550 www.pilotgetaways.com ==================================================